Autism Research Study

Autism Research Study

From Christian Bogner

We are raising funds to study a sulfate lotion and microbiome balancing in an ASD clinical trial and to publish our findings in a peer-reviewed journal.

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Dear Esteemed Supporters,

We extend our heartfelt gratitude for your ongoing support of Thiogenics, a venture initiated by Alex Zaharakis and Dr. Christian Bogner with the profound purpose of addressing the needs of the autism community, inspired by our personal commitment to our sons affected with ASD.

The positive responses we have received regarding our Thioguard lotion from parents and adult patients have been both encouraging and humbling. Your overwhelming feedback has underscored the impact we are making in the lives of many, and for this, we are deeply thankful.

Over the past ten months, we have witnessed continual positive developments, prompting us to engage in more substantial discussions about conducting a clinical trial. Throughout this journey, we have remained actively connected with families through consultations, emails and social media, ensuring transparency in sharing our findings and the scientific rationale guiding our efforts.

In our tireless pursuit of progress for our children, we designed a robust study to involve individuals affected with ASD. To facilitate the financial aspect of this endeavor, we have decided to initiate a fundraising campaign on Fundly, bypassing the complexities associated with a 501(c)(3). Our overarching goal is to raise awareness within the scientific community and provide hope to families facing uncertainty. Once we have sufficient amounts to cover this trial, we will start recruiting. Everything will be transparent and we will post updates regularly.

Individuals involved:

Christian Bogner, MD, FACOG, CFMNP, Clinical Oversight /

Alex Zaharakis, MA, MS, DABR, Chief Science Officer /

Cathy Babayan, BS, RD, Clinical Monitoring Oversight Manager Consultant

For any inquiries or further information, please feel free to contact us at [email protected]. Thank you for your contribution.


Christian Bogner, MD

Alex Zaharakis, MA, MS, DABR

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