Community Healing Angels

Community Healing Angels

From Gregory Kurtz

I'm raising money to lift the standard of living within our local community. The funds will be used to help public grounds, individuals and small businesses take care of issues that have been neglected.

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We are comprised of small group of very skilled, good compassionate men who bring a compendium of useful services to the open community at large indiscriminately. This is a unique service that only exists via donations that fuel the work. We can only function with your support. We work fast, efficiently to dispatch our services to those in need daily. The goal is to raise the well-being of everyone around us one by one - renew-rebuild-replenish… The more you can donate, translates to the more we can do and the more we can recruit more angels. The sky is the limit on what we accomplish together. Here is a list of only a small part of the infinite of what we do: Repairs- (handyman/mechanical) services for those who are stuck and cannot afford simple to complex repairs on homes, machines, vehicles, businesses, properties, etc. Food – we purchase and deliver food to individuals with physical, mental, or age-related issues who may literally be on their last meal of the month and suffering! Rides- we offer licensed DOT ride services for those who may be stuck and can’t afford Uber, Taxi’s Busses. Clean-up – we’ll choose a neighborhood in distress that may be in degradation to pick up trash and haul away debris. Moving – We offer licensed and insured moving for those who need to leave their place and are stuck with no money. Perhaps in a dangerous situation, need to get back home, near or far away. Baby & Senior sitting – some people have family in much need of daily care that they can’t even leave the house to find a job to support them! They need a break. Planting Trees – we work to make our environment greener by planting healthy trees that in turn, cools our environment and supplies oxygen/ fresh air to all. The list goes on and on. THE BOTTOM LINE: Every penny we spend is carefully used to improve, help and heal our community and it's people in need. The team is awesome and you’ll be proud to see that great things together are still possible. If our program appeals to you and you generally support philanthropy towards your community, please donate now what you can. Thank you, sincerely the founder - Greg Kurtz

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