Send Andrew to play Youth Banana Ball!

Send Andrew to play Youth Banana Ball!

From Shawna Taylor-Penella

Help Andrew be a Banana and play in the first ever, Youth Banana Ball Tournament! Hosted and in partnership with the Savannah Bananas, the team will get to learn the insides and outs of Banana Ball and meet the team!

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Update #1

2 months ago

First, let me start out with a huge thank you to those that have supported and encouraged Andrew with playing baseball and helping his love for the game grow!
Normally, we never ask for help/donations for our family, but this is going to be the exception; this will be a little bit of a post, but here it goes....
Earlier this year, Christina and I learned about the opportunity for select baseball teams to play in the first ever Youth Banana Ball Tournament. While we were excited about this opportunity, we figured that it might be a lot for our whole team to make this tournament, so we put let it pass.
The other night, we got an email that said they are now accepting nominations for individual players, to play in this tournament; for sh*ts and giggle, not thinking anything of it, I went ahead and filled out all of Andrew's information and sent it in (I legit thought I would simply get an email stating, "thank you for nominating your child, unfortunately we had to pass on him this time").
I didn't tell Christina about it or anything, bc I didn't want to get any hopes up. The next day, Christina sends me a text with a picture attached saying, "do all the kids get to do this?!?!" She sent me the email stating that Andrew had been selected and that was the official invitation! Obviously before making any rash decisions, Christina and I talked about it and looked into it more..... The tournament alone, costs nearly $700.00, but it includes is tournament fees (a 3 day tournament), two jerseys, a hat, paid coaches, banana Ball clinics (actually learning how to play Banana Ball, the rules, trick plays, dance moves, etc) and practice, they get to meet all of the The Savannah Bananas and The Party Animals players, as well as 4 tickets to a Bananas game to finish off the tournament!
Aside from having to pay for the tournament, we will also have to pay for flights and boarding, as the tournament is being held in Cleveland, Ohio!!! So this is where this fundraiser is coming into play. Those that know Andrew, knows just how much this kid LOVES The The Savannah Bananas and that when he grows up, this is the team he wants to play for; unfortunately, he had to miss the game that was here in Tampa earlier this year, as he had the flu bad and rather spend his night in the ER instead of at the game (yes, thats how sick he was). So this opportunity not only lets him learn, meet and play his favorite game with his favorite team, but it also gives him the chance to see them since he missed.
Again, we don't normally ask for money for ourselves or support or anything, but this is something we would truly love to give Andrew the opportunity to be able to do.
Any type of support (financially, prayers, well wishes, sharing our info, etc), is BEYOND appreciated and will be going to such an amazing opportunity!
We thank everyone for reading this (if you made it this far) and for supporting and loving on our Andrew and family!

More Info

All donations will go straight to Andrew and making his dream come true! Donations will help cover the costs of the tournament, and the flights and boarding for Andrew and the rest of our family. 

Andrew is not just a determined baseball player, but he loves it and is dedicated. Most baseball players his age dream of playing in the MLB, Andrew’s dream is being a Banana and playing for the Savannah Bananas! His energy on the field is infectious and can be felt by everyone around. When he hears music playing, you can catch him doing a dance move or two, while also making others laugh and have a fun time. While he does like to have fun out on the field, he is also serious about the game and makes sure he does all he can, to play to the best of his ability. 

Andrew has been playing baseball since Fall of 2021, and continues to strive for success and improving each of his skills. He is a natural pitcher and loves the challenges of playing outfield, while also getting his outs at 1st; when its his turn to hit and make some bases, you will see the gleam in his eyes when it comes to stealing bases and getting down and dirty. 

You will never meet a kid and ball player, like Andrew, I can promise you that 1000%; take a chance on this kiddo and help make his future goals and dreams, come true!

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Shawna Taylor-Penella posted a new update:
2 months ago

Update #1

First, let me start out with a huge thank you to those that have supported and encouraged Andrew with playing baseball and helping his love for the game grow!
Normally, we never ask for help/donations for our family, but this is going to be the exception; this will be a little bit of a post, but here it goes....
Earlier this year, Christina and I learned about the opportunity for select baseball teams to play in the first ever Youth Banana Ball Tournament. While we were excited about this opportunity, we figured that it might be a lot for our whole team to make this tournament, so we put let it pass.
The other night, we got an email that said they are now accepting nominations for individual players, to play in this tournament; for sh*ts and giggle, not thinking anything of it, I went ahead and filled out all of Andrew's information and sent it in (I legit thought I would simply get an email stating, "thank you for nominating your child, unfortunately we had to pass on him this time").
I didn't tell Christina about it or anything, bc I didn't want to get any hopes up. The next day, Christina sends me a text with a picture attached saying, "do all the kids get to do this?!?!" She sent me the email stating that Andrew had been selected and that was the official invitation! Obviously before making any rash decisions, Christina and I talked about it and looked into it more..... The tournament alone, costs nearly $700.00, but it includes is tournament fees (a 3 day tournament), two jerseys, a hat, paid coaches, banana Ball clinics (actually learning how to play Banana Ball, the rules, trick plays, dance moves, etc) and practice, they get to meet all of the The Savannah Bananas and The Party Animals players, as well as 4 tickets to a Bananas game to finish off the tournament!
Aside from having to pay for the tournament, we will also have to pay for flights and boarding, as the tournament is being held in Cleveland, Ohio!!! So this is where this fundraiser is coming into play. Those that know Andrew, knows just how much this kid LOVES The The Savannah Bananas and that when he grows up, this is the team he wants to play for; unfortunately, he had to miss the game that was here in Tampa earlier this year, as he had the flu bad and rather spend his night in the ER instead of at the game (yes, thats how sick he was). So this opportunity not only lets him learn, meet and play his favorite game with his favorite team, but it also gives him the chance to see them since he missed.
Again, we don't normally ask for money for ourselves or support or anything, but this is something we would truly love to give Andrew the opportunity to be able to do.
Any type of support (financially, prayers, well wishes, sharing our info, etc), is BEYOND appreciated and will be going to such an amazing opportunity!
We thank everyone for reading this (if you made it this far) and for supporting and loving on our Andrew and family!

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